Skating links

By "skating" I mean what is usually called "Freestyle Skating": Slalom, Freeride, Freejump etc.


The Clopinettes' Gang

The Clopinettes's Gang

(Download, size is about 37 MB) Francais English

This is a video featuring C(h)lo-é and Clo-chette, the Clopinettes, skating together in Montpellier, France. I especially like the parts with the "synchronous symmetrical slalom skating". Go, Clopinettes' Gang! :)

Also available on YouTube.

You can find the soundtrack by Akouphën here: iTunes Store

Catch Me If You Can... à Besançon

Catch Me If You Can... à Besançon

(Download, size is about 50 MB) Francais English Note: Seems to be offline now... :(

Great combination of Freeride and Slalom, Chloé Seyrès and Igor Cheremetieff skate in Besançon, France. Includes steep downhills on grass, narrow, twisty passages and synchronous slalom-skating in several nice locations.

Also available on YouTube.

The Apache II

The Apache II

(Download, size is about 35 MB). Deutsch English

Pierre Künnemann shows his skating skills in this nicely composed video filmed in Köln (Cologne), Germany.

Also available on YouTube.


Spot Jochen (me) on these pictures. :)

Battle UK II by BigSteev (Steve), Flickr

Battle UK II by poshjoshe (Joshua), Flickr

A Freestyle Skating Weekend by sch3lp (Tim), Picasa

Discussion boards: Francais English Espanol English English Deutsch

Skateclub Bremen Deutsch

Skating/skaters' web sites:

RollerEnLigne Francais

Serial Riders Francais

SlalomSkating Espanol

Kompakombo Francais English
I don't know what "Kompakombo" means, but you will find many nice slalom trick videos there... :)

Grant's skating page English
Many slalom tricks here, too!

Vincent Vu Van Kha ("Vinz") Francais English

Gulliaume Barbaz ("Skali") Francais English

Chloé Seyrès English

Caroline Lejeune ("Clochette") English

Naomi Grigg English

Pierre Künnemann ("The Apache") Deutsch Francais English

My own stuff:

Jochen's slalom spots

are here. English

Jochen on skates!

Yup, that's me. :) Deutsch

IFSA finals 2007 at Gessate/Milano

Pictures and videos English

Battle UK II - Attack of the cones

Some pictures of my travelling and the competitions English

A short movie of the Streetskate and Slide competition on Sunday

Also alvailable on YouTube. English

New: PSWC 2008 Womens' First Runs

Pictures are here. English

A short video on YouTube. English

IFSA World Cup 2008 at Gessate/Milano

Videos of the first runs in the womens' Freestyle Slalom competition. English